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Being Comfortable with Solitude: Embrace Sitting Alone

Disconnecting from our busy, noise abundant life, to a place of temporary isolation, may seem intimidating. But slowly, you will notice the transformation that meditation has on your well-being and you'll look forward to these moments of solitude. Remember that you are embarking on a deeply personal journey, so take your time. You are learning to be alone. You are understanding who you are with each breath. Let's talk about how to create a welcoming environment of self reflection.

A person meditating at home
"When you sit alone quietly, it's something beautiful, even if nobody sees it."-Thich Nhat Hanh

  1. Create a comfortable and calm space. Choose relaxing colors, cushions or use candles to enhance a tranquil feeling. When you enter this area, your mind will feel the peace and be ready for this moment of reflection.

  2. Start with short sessions. Your body and mind will need time to adjust to the new practice. Try not to overwhelm yourself. Be alone for five to ten minutes in the beginning and expand from there. The important thing is showing up for yourself each day.

  3. Breath is the focus of your starter sessions. Listen to your breathing, feel it in your nose as you breathe in and notice the rise and fall of your chest. Hold your hand in front of your mouth and breathe out. Do you feel that? That is you, it is your life touching your hands, and it is all you need to start your meditation practice. Breath is your life force.

  4. Posture makes a difference. Sitting up straight with relaxed arms and shoulders, and lifting your chin slightly, sends a message of openess to your mind. It's easier to breathe in this position as well. Later on, you will be able to meditate in other ways, but it's best to start with the traditional sitting position.

  5. Use guidance if you need it. There are plenty of instructors to lead you through your first few sessions until you become comfortable alone. Sometimes it's necessary to have the support of someone else in case you have a question or if hearing a voice is soothing to you.

  6. Silence is beautiful. Practice being quiet for longer and longer periods of time. Remove distractions and noise, even for five minutes.

  7. Keep a meditation journal. Seeing your progress helps you understand your journey. What do you observe? How does your body feel? Write down thoughts that arise and connect better with self as you look back.

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