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"What can I expect to happen during meditation?"

We think we see and feel everything that is happening to us in our daily lives. But during meditation, you experience this through a view of insight & reflection. When we sit in a quiet space, we bring our thoughts together with the physical feeling of our body pushing the air in through our nose, filling our lungs, and out through our mouth. The rise and fall of our chest becomes the rhythm which helps us process our circumstances.

"The thing about meditation is, you become more and more you." -David Lynch

Have you ever relaxed in front of a body of water and watched the waves coming in towards you? That wave is like a meditation session. You'll recall the moments that elevated you and brought you joy. But you will also experience the occasions when the tides of life were low. In both of these situations, you'll understand why everything that happens is temporary. We live in a constant motion of change.

Impermanence is the realization that comes to us through meditation. It helps us accept that the negative forces in our lives won't always be there. It is a powerful awareness to have. We also learn to value the positive, as these things are also temporary.

We never know what our days will bring. But with a practice of mindfulness, we are prepared. If we are angered, we can sit with this feeling and analyze it for what it really is. Perhaps we inflated this feeling in a moment of intensity. With reflection, we can use the wisdom that comes to us in the quieting of our mind. Next time we feel our irritation bubbling, we have the tools we need to see it more clearly, and we can prevent an over reaction. This is just one example of the emotional security that comes from meditation.

In reality, there are no expections in meditation. You will be guided by your own personal experiences in life. Whatever comes up, let it be there, sit with it and analyze it. Whatever truths come out of your sessions, belong to you. It's important to feel in control when meditating. Give yourself time to become familiar with the waves of reflection.

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